CarolinaPower Helps MetroPower Recover from Hurricane Michael


CarolinaPower Helps MetroPower Recover from Hurricane Michael  

On October 12, sixteen CarolinaPower employees left Colombia, South Carolina, to assist MetroPower branches affected by the devastating Hurricane Michael.

Recently CarolinaPower narrowly avoided a direct hit from Hurricane Florence and they were well equipped with recovery supplies.  They generously brought those to use for MetroPower in Albany and North Florida.

“Our mission was to help our MetroPower family and employees so they could better help their own community,” said Bradley Michie, Department Manager for CarolinaPower, who also coordinated the relief efforts.

The caravan of 9 trucks, including a cargo refrigeration truck, brought more than 900 gallons of diesel and unleaded fuel, six pallets of water, generators, tarps and plywood to South Georgia. They spent nearly two weeks clearing driveways, removing downed trees and repairing damaged roofs. In north Florida, the team restored power to local churches and schools that were temporarily serving as shelters.

“What mattered most was that they showed up to help in our time of need,” said Kayanne Blackwell, Controller for MetroPower. “They demonstrated the true core values of our companies and why we call each other family.”